Features of devices
Selection of the bipolar field length
Through the switch located in the electrocatheter base, it is possible to choose the length of the bipolar field to be applied in the target area. You can choose a shorter length (11 mm) or a longer bipolar field (17mm). Normally, the field length is chosen based on several factors and this capability makes the catheter particularly versatile also in situations where the operating space, in proximity of the target area, is particularly limited. In these situations by changing the field length it is possible to engage different nerve fibers maintaining meanwhile the tip of the catheter motionless.
Monitoring operating temperature
PULSTRODE PLUS embeds inside a thermocouple for continuous monitoring of operating temperature during running of the procedure. Through the radio-frequency generator, is possible to set a maximum working temperature, beyond which one the applied voltage between the two electrodes is decreased so that the treated area never exceeds the temperature set on the generator. This fact allows to operate in total safety for not damage treated tissues.
Infusion of drugs in the treatment area
Four holes on the catheter tip allow the local drugs injection easing ultra selective pharmacological treatments (cortisoidi, local anesthetics, washing with physiological, or contrastografie, hyaluronidase, etc.). The particular position of holes between the electrodes (and not a single hole in the tip of the lumen) allows an infusion well localized on the just treated area without having to reposition the catheter.
Torquer for driving catheter tip
PULSTRODE PLUS includes a specific torquer used to drive the catheter tip also in the most difficult situations. By rotating the torquer in one direction or in the opposite one, the spin will be transmitted to the catheter tip, so avoid to having to directly act on the catheter tube, which in some cases may be uncomfortable (eg. slippery catheter due to body liquids) may be uncomfortable.